Flexible Dentures

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Woudn’t you like to enjoy eating your favorite food and smile with confidence again?

Today’s technology made use of dentures so easy and their look as natural as ever. If you have more than one tooth missing, flexible dentures are economic and require no surgery. They also provide support to your lips and face.

How do we do it?

Flexible dentures are artificial teeth placed on one flexible base that could be placed in mouth and removed as needed. Also when combined/lodged with implants they can be more securely placed in the mouth. In either case, since they can be easily removed, cleaning and maintaining them is very easy which make them quite practical.


Our dentist will take impression of your teeth and gum as a first step. Then we test how the generic dentures fit in your mouth.  Next we check how your custom-made dentures fit in your mouth, and if needed, we make adjustments for the perfect fitting of dentures in their places.

Chewing and eating with your new dentures and getting used to them may take a few days; please do not worry about it becuase a few days is normal and expected.

With dentures, initially when trying to sense the food and feel the temperature, it is recommended that you avoid hot and hard food. Instead, try to consume soft and warm food. Yes, please use your dentures everytime you eat. Doing so will help you gain confidence in your dentures at every bite and you will start enjoying different flavors.

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