Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are any one of four third molars , or the last teeth in the dental arch. They usually start coming in at the age 17 and continues through until 25. If there is not enough room for them to grow, they may stay burried or stay stuck to the bone below the gum, they may come in sideways, may cause overcrowding. When they can’t come in vertically, among others, they may impact the nerves of the neihgboring teeth and create bacterial build-up thefore lead to infection and great pain.

If they don’t cause pain, should we still have them extracted? While they are asymptomatic at beginning phases, wisdom teeth may cause infections, tooth decays, or cysts. In those cases, surgical intervention might be necessary.

While wisdom tooth extraction may seem scray, usually it is a simple procedure, and taking early action may prevent possible complications later on.

How do we do it?

Diş hekimlerimizin yirmilik dişlerinizin durumunu görebilmeleri için öncelikle diş röntgenine ve kapsamlı bir muayeneye ihtiyaçları olacaktır.

First in order to see the full picture, our dentist will take the X-ray of wisdom teeth and they will asses the need.

Çoğu durumda, bir klinik ziyaretinde rahatça yapılan rutin bir prosedürle yirmilik diş çekilebilir. Diş hekiminiz dişinizi çekmeden önce bölgeye lokal anestezi enjekte edecektir. Nadiren de olsa, gömülü dişin çıkarılma zorluğu göz önüne alınarak lokal veya genel anestezi altında uygulanabilen bir yirmilik diş ameliyatı ile çıkarılması da önerilebilir.

In most cases, one visit to our clinic will be enough to assess the situation and extract wisdom teeth on the same visit. Before extraction, local anestheisa is applied to numb the area of your mouth. In very rare cases, depending on the anticipated complications of the case, additinally general anesthesia might be recommended.

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